March 29, 2024 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM CST

Are you ready to embrace the future of workplace innovation?

Join us for a complimentary virtual workshop on Automation Citizen
Development and discover how non-IT employees are revolutionizing business processes with technology.

What is Citizen Development & Why Should You Attend Our Workshop?

Citizen developers are the driving force behind a new era of efficiency and innovation. They’re non-IT employees who leverage cloud-based, no-code, or low-code platforms to streamline workflows and create programs without the need for traditional coding skills. By harnessing intuitive interfaces and user-friendly tools, citizen developers empower organizations to optimize operations and
deliver results.

In this workshop, you will learn:
  • What is a Citizen Developer?
  • Why they are important?
  • What is an Automation Citizen Developer
  • Building an automation using UiPath StudioX

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Glenn Hoormann

Executive Vice President,
eAlliance Corporation

Glenn J. Hoormann specializes in automation solutions and strategy, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotic Process  Automation and Process Mining, and is currently engaged with eight different organizations in these areas.